Carbon Capture, Usage and Storage (CCUS) technology refers to the process where carbon dioxide emissions, often from industrial processes, can be captured before they reach the atmosphere to either be used or stored. The independent Climate Change Committee has described CCUS as critical for decarbonizing the UK’s heaving industry and a necessity for the UK to reach its net zero targets. The Government has announced funding for new UK carbon capture projects with the aim of removing 8.5 million tonnes of carbon emissions each year, directly creating 4,000 new jobs and supporting 50,00 long-term jobs. Industry, academia and others are also coming together through projects such as Flue2Chem to provide new ways of using CO2 emissions from industry as an alternative source of carbon to manufacture materials. The UK has the potential to become a global leader in CCUS and an up and running carbon capture industry could add around £5 billion per year to the UK economy by 2050. How can the UK overcome challenges such as infrastructure costs, commercial confidence, planning reforms and safety concerns to make the most of the economic opportunities CCUS brings and meet our net zero targets?
This event will:
- Consider what challenges may come with the unprecedented scale of new UK CCUS deployment and how these can be overcome.
- Discuss what infrastructure is needed to be able to deliver CCUS projects at the speed and scale required to be successful.
- Examine the skills and innovations needed to make the UK a leading hub for carbon capture technology.