Creative Economy: The Contribution of UK Culture to Growth | IPT
Chair: Saqib Bhatti MP, Shadow Minister of State for Culture, Media and Sport
Speaker: David Farnsworth, CEO, Barbican Centre
Speaker: Professor Dave O'Brien, Professor of Cultural and Creative Industries, University of Manchester
Breakfast Meeting


Tuesday 28 January 2025


House of Commons

Start Time:


End Time:


The UK has a globally recognised and world leading creative sector which is a vital driver of both economic and social growth. The creative industries are worth £125 billion to the UK economy and employ over 2 million people across the country. Culture is also fundamental to the UK’s soft power and exports, as well as being at the forefront of digital innovation. Engagement with the arts not only supports economic growth but is essential to local communities and people’s wellbeing. In 2023, 91% of UK adults – the equivalent of around 51 million people – engaged with the arts in one way or another. With the creative industries being named in the Industrial Strategy as one of the Government’s eight growth-driving sectors, how can we build on our strengths and ensure UK culture realises its full potential. 

This event will:

  • Consider what support is needed for creative businesses to overcome barriers to growth.
  • Examine how the creative sector can attract the skills, talent and creativity it needs to thrive.
  • Discuss how new technologies such as AI can contribute to growth and opportunity in the creative sector.